Coordination Meeting for Pre-Service Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Batch 1 2023

Mataram, December 20, 2023 – The Pre-Service Teacher Professional Education (PPG Prajabatan) at Mataram University convened a Coordination Meeting for the 1st Wave of the 1st Semester of 2023. The event was attended by the Head of PPG Prajabatan, Dr. Dadi Setiadi, M.Sc, and received crucial guidance from the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Mataram University.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Dadi Setiadi, M.Sc, Head of PPG Prajabatan, conveyed that the coordination meeting aimed to strengthen and enhance the quality of pre-service education within the FKIP of Mataram University. Dr. Dadi Setiadi highlighted several issues related to the implementation of PPG Prajabatan that require collective attention.

Dean of FKIP Mataram University (Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D) provided opening remarks during the meeting. He emphasized the crucial role of PPG Prajabatan in producing professional and high-quality prospective teachers. “Pre-service education is the primary foundation for creating outstanding educators. Therefore, we need to collaboratively seek the best solutions to address the existing issues,” stated the Dean of FKIP.

Among the issues highlighted in the Dean’s address were concerns regarding the learning process in PPG Prajabatan. He stressed that input and suggestions from all parties are essential for improving the learning process. “We must continue to innovate and collaborate to provide the best learning experience for prospective teachers,” he added.

The coordination meeting also provided a platform for all participants to contribute input and suggestions for the improvement of the education system. Interactive and constructive discussions between the Head of PPG Prajabatan, Dean of FKIP, and meeting participants are expected to formulate strategic steps to enhance the quality of PPG Prajabatan at Mataram University.

The event concluded with a shared hope to establish PPG Prajabatan at FKIP Mataram University as an institution capable of producing quality teachers ready to meet the demands of an increasingly complex educational landscape. This coordination meeting is scheduled to become a regular forum for continuous improvement and development of the pre-service education system in the future.