Mataram University Pre-Service PPG (Professional Teacher Education Program) Work Exhibition: Innovation and Spirit of Future Teachers!


Mataram, May 30, 2024 – The Exhibition of Leadership Project Work for the Pre-Service PPG Study Program, Wave 1, for the even semester of 2023/2024, was officially inaugurated at the University of Mataram. This event showcases the innovative efforts of future teacher candidates, highlighting the results of their dedication and hard work in the Teacher Professional Education Program (PPG) courses.

Eleven educational groups from PPG FKIP Unram participated in the exhibition, demonstrating their commitment and creativity in developing innovative solutions to various academic challenges.

Dr. Arjudin, M.Si., representing the Chairman of PPG, noted in his report that this exhibition is a tangible demonstration of learning at PPG. “These projects show that PPG students not only learn theory but also apply it in the form of practical, useful work,” he remarked.

In his address, the Dean of FKIP Unram, Drs. H. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Sc., Ph.D., emphasized the importance of the learning process and commitment to achieving excellence. “This exhibition is not just about the results but also about the journey of learning and creation,” he stated. He expressed his hope that PPG students will continue to innovate and evolve into professional teachers capable of bringing positive changes to the education sector.

Dynamic and Interactive Exhibitions

Exhibition visitors are invited to tour and see firsthand the innovative works of PPG students. Each booth is equipped with a detailed explanation of the work so visitors can understand its benefits and applications in education.

Assessment and Awards

Several appraisers, including lecturers and teachers, assessed the works on display. This assessment aims to provide constructive input and determine the value of each work. Through these works, it is hoped that PPG students can apply the knowledge they have learned.

The Mataram University Pre-Service PPG (Professional Teacher Education Program) is about showing off work and the enthusiasm and potential of future teacher candidates. Their innovative works prove they are ready to bring positive change and build a brighter educational future.