Coordination Meeting of PreService Professional Education (PPG) Batch 2 2023: Optimization of Teacher Education at University of Mataram

Mataram, Desember 23, 2023 – The Professional Teacher Education Program (PPG) Pre-Service at Mataram University held a Coordination Meeting for the 2nd Wave of the 1st Semester in 2023. The Head of PPG Pre-Service Program, Dr. Dadi Setiadi, M.Sc, delivered an address and highlighted several issues related to the implementation of PPG Pre-Service. In his speech, Dr. Dadi Setiadi scrutinized various critical aspects, including the availability of facilities and infrastructure that directly impact the quality of education. “We need to collectively evaluate the availability of facilities and infrastructure to ensure that the learning process can run optimally. In addition, improving the elective course ‘etnosasambo’ is also our focus to create a more adaptive and relevant curriculum,” said Dr. Dadi Setiadi.

The Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at Mataram University also provided guidance during the meeting. He emphasized that input and suggestions from all parties are crucial for improving the learning process in PPG Pre-Service. “By involving all parties, we can identify issues more accurately and seek solutions together. Input from lecturers, students, and graduates of PPG Pre-Service plays a central role in the development of the education system,” said the Dean of FKIP at Mataram University.

In this context, the Dean emphasized the importance of preparing graduates of PPG Pre-Service with a strong spirit and a strong desire to become teachers. “Graduates of PPG Pre-Service must be equipped with high spirits and dedication to become teachers. They are expected to be ready to be placed in all corners of Indonesia, serving and making a real contribution to the field of education,” he added.

This coordination meeting serves as a platform for all stakeholders involved in PPG Pre-Service to collaborate, provide input, and create positive changes. With a high spirit of improvement, Mataram University continues its commitment to providing quality education and producing prospective teachers ready to face the challenges of the modern education world.